Successful exit for NexenaiCapital: Edge Case Research acquires Machine Learning Competence Centre from TerraLoupe
05 August 20
NexenaiCapital achieves a successful exit with its portfolio company TerraLoupe: The Munich-based tech start-up, which specializes in algorithm-based evaluation of aerial images, was acquired by Edge Case Research on April 30, 2020 as part of an asset deal.

Edge Case Research is a US tech company that develops perception and risk analysis systems for autonomous applications in the mobility and robotics industry, with the goal of making autonomous systems safer. By acquiring TerraLoupe assets, Edge Case Research enhances its machine learning expertise and strengthens its market access in Europe. For NexenaiCapital, this marks a successful exit after gaining a stake in TerraLoupe in 2019.

  • US tech company in the field of autonomous security solutions strengthens its machine learning expertise with the acquisition of TerraLoupe

Edge Case Research’s technology adds safety to the ‘autonomous industry’ – e.g. autonomous driving. Unsafe traffic situations with high risk potential are detected and converted into learning signals that make the self-driving car safer. These ‘edge cases’ are better recognised and optimised through feedback effects – from the vehicle’s on-board computer, to the edge case research platform, and back to the vehicle – in a self-learning process.

The Munich-based start-up TerraLoupe analyses aerial photographs and translates them into 3D image data. Edge Case Research’s business currently focuses mainly on streets. There was great interest in TerraLoupe’s deep learning algorithms and the ability they give autonomous systems to recognize nearby objects such as pedestrians in the field of autonomous driving. “We are delighted to welcome the TerraLoupe team to Edge Case Research. Top talent of this calibre is a key success factor for our continued growth in the autonomous mobility sector,” said Michael Wagner, Chief Operating Officer (CEO) of Edge Case Research.

TerraLoupe was founded in Munich in 2014 and most recently had 14 employees. They were taken over by Edge Case Research Deutschland GmbH, which will continue to be based in TerraLoupe’s existing offices. NexenaiCapital has owned a stake in TerraLoupe since 2019, and has played a key role in its strategic development since then.

Edge Case Research’s customers include automotive companies, fleet and mobility providers, and logistics service providers. Going forward, its client base will increasingly include reinsurers and primary insurers, who will be able to use the security metrics developed by Edge Case Research to gain an advantage over competitors in the risk underwriting of autonomous vehicles.